wget https://github.com/yesday/odroid-c2-archlinux-luks/releases/download/v0.0.1/odroid-c2-archlinux-luks.img.gz wget https://github.com/yesday/odroid-c2-archlinux-luks/releases/download/v0.0.1/odroid-c2-archlinux-luks.img.gz.md5sum
This is an OS image for ODROID-C2. The root filesystem is encrypted with LUKS to provide additional protection against unauthorised access, particularly in the case when someone gains physical access to the device. The configuration is suitable for both headless and non headless setup, and supports remote unlocking (via SSH) of the encrypted root filesystem during the boot process.
The image is based on the ODROID-C2 ArchLinux ARM image, with additional software and configuration.
A pre-configured SSH key is provided to allow remotely unlocking the encrypted root filesystem during the initial boot. Upon successful boot you’re advised to disable this key for security reasons.
Moreover, after flashing the image and right after the initial boot make sure to:
change the default password yesday for the users (root, alarm) and the LUKS volume
run the provided expand-filesystem-luks
script in order to expand the root filesystem partition to the rest of the available space (find instructions in the relevant section below)
follow the steps from Errata to fix known issues
Finally, if you would like to know how this image was created, or prefer to create the image yourself, refer to: How to install ArchLinux with Full Disk Encryption on ODROID-C2
Size compressed: 1.7G
Size uncompressed: 1.9G
Root filesystem disk usage: 1.4G
MD5 checksum: https://github.com/yesday/odroid-c2-archlinux-luks/releases/download/v0.0.1/odroid-c2-archlinux-luks.img.gz.md5sum
Encryption method: LUKS Full Disk Encryption with XTS key-size 512 bit (AES-256)
Encryption options: sudo cryptsetup -v -y -c aes-xts-plain64 -s 512 -h sha512 -i 5000 --use-random luksFormat /dev/mmcblk0p2
Pre-configured SSH key for remote unlocking (make sure to disable after first use): https://github.com/yesday/odroid-c2-archlinux-luks/releases/download/v0.0.1/id_rsa
The LUKS password for the root filesystem volume is yesday
Users: root, alarm
Password for both users is yesday
GnuPG key was generated (gpg --full-gen-key
) for the user alarm with password yesday
The user alarm is configured for passwordless sudo
Generally speaking, encrypted data is hard to compress therefore the compression ratio of this OS image is relatively low. |
The image adds the following software on top of the ODROID-C2 ArchLinux ARM image:
Basic - sudo
AUR helper - base-devel
Initramfs generator - dracut
Encryption - lvm2
LUKS remote unlocking - dhclient
Custom utility scripts - expand-filesystem-luks
Replace /dev/mmcblk0
in the following instructions with the device name for the microSD card as it appears on your computer. Use the provided microSD to eMMC adapter card to install to eMMC.
Download the OS image (1.7G
) and MD5 checksum
wget https://github.com/yesday/odroid-c2-archlinux-luks/releases/download/v0.0.1/odroid-c2-archlinux-luks.img.gz wget https://github.com/yesday/odroid-c2-archlinux-luks/releases/download/v0.0.1/odroid-c2-archlinux-luks.img.gz.md5sum
Verify the MD5 checksum
md5sum -c odroid-c2-archlinux-luks.img.gz.md5sum
Unmount all the partitions of the microSD card
lsblk umount /dev/mmcblk0p1 umount /dev/mmcblk0p2
Flash the OS image into the microSD card (completes in ~ 6 min)
gunzip --stdout odroid-c2-archlinux-luks.img.gz | sudo dd bs=10M of=/dev/mmcblk0
Flash all cached data into the microSD card (as shown, multiple executions are required)
sync sync sync
There are three options to interact with the ODROID-C2:
Serial console. Instructions can be found here.
HDMI monitor + keyboard directly connected to the ODROID-C2.
SSH. For instructions, refer to How to remotely unlock the LUKS rootfs during boot.
After choosing one of the above options, connect the microSD card to the ODROID-C2 and boot. With either option, since the root filesystem is encrypted, you will be prompted to enter the password to unlock the root filesystem during boot. As with the user passwords, the default password for the LUKS volume is yesday.
The default password in the below instructions is yesday.
Change the password of the users alarm
and root
passwd su passwd
Change the LUKS password (caution: device name /dev/mmcblk0
might be different on your ODROID-C2)
sudo cryptsetup luksChangeKey /dev/mmcblk0p2 -S 0
LUKS/dm_crypt enabled devices may hold up to 10 different keyfiles/passwords. Refer to the relevant documentation for further details. |
If you wish to be able to remotely unlock the LUKS volume then follow the instructions in How to remotely unlock the LUKS rootfs during boot. Otherwise, make sure to remove the pre-configured SSH key from the Dropbear configuration by following these steps:
Execute cat /dev/null > /home/alarm/appconf/dracut-crypt-ssh/authorized_keys
To apply the changes run the Dracut command to generate the initramfs
Re-encrypt the partition /dev/mmcblk0p2
by following the instructions from https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/8-cryptsetup-reencrypt/. This will ensure a new key is used to encrypt the data.
Expand the root filesystem partition to the rest of the available space
sudo expand-filesystem-luks sudo reboot sudo expand-filesystem-luks sudo reboot # optional
Verify the root filesystem partition now occupies the entire space of the microSD card
df -h
Follow the instructions from How to upgrade the software
The remote unlocking functionality is implemented by the dracut module crypt-ssh. Refer to the module’s documentation for additional details.
The module starts the Dropbear SSH server during boot to allow remotely unlocking the LUKS rootfs. If unlocking succeeded, the Dropbear terminates itself and your connection.
in the following instructions with the IP address assigned to the ODROID-C2 by your local DHCP server. Use the fing
tool to find the assigned IP address (e.g. sudo fing
In order to connect you have to register the public SSH key of your Linux box to the remote Dropbear server. For convenience, this image comes with a pre-configured SSH key, which you can use in order to connect for the first time. For security reasons, you are strongly advised to disable the pre-configured key from the Dropbear configuration right after the initial boot.
Using the pre-configured SSH key, unlock the LUKS rootfs. To do so, follow the instructions from Unlocking the volume interactively but use the pre-configured SSH key to connect (e.g. ssh -i id_rsa root@
Once the remote system is unlocked and booted, go to your Linux box, and copy the ssh public key to the appconf/dracut-crypt-ssh/authorized_keys
file on the remote ODROID-C2 server
cat ~/.ssh/*.pub | ssh alarm@ 'umask 077; mkdir -p appconf/dracut-crypt-ssh; touch appconf/dracut-crypt-ssh/authorized_keys; cat >appconf/dracut-crypt-ssh/authorized_keys'
The above command overrides the existing configuration, therefore the pre-configured SSH key will no longer be permitted access.
To apply the changes run the Dracut command to generate the initramfs
From your Linux box, connect to the remote Dropbear SSH server running on the ODROID-C2
ssh -p 222 root@
Unlock the volume (asks you for the passphrase and sends it to console)
console_auth Passphrase:
If unlocking the device succeeded, the initramfs will clean up itself and Dropbear terminates itself and your connection.
Prints what’s on the console
There is also the unlock command but we encountered this issue when tested it at the time of this writing with all the latest updates installed. |
Some use cases require to feed input automatically to the interactive command console_auth
From your Linux box, unlock the volume
ssh -p 222 root@ console_auth < password-file
gpg2 --decrypt password-file.gpg | ssh -p 222 root@ console_auth
For additional security, you might want to only allow the execution of the command console_auth
and nothing else. To achieve this you need to configure the SSH key with restricting options in the authorized_keys
From your Linux box, copy the public SSH key, with restricting options, to the appconf/dracut-crypt-ssh/authorized_keys
file on the remote ODROID-C2 server
(printf 'command="console_auth",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-pty,no-X11-forwarding ' && cat ~/.ssh/*.pub) | ssh alarm@ 'umask 077; mkdir -p appconf/dracut-crypt-ssh; touch appconf/dracut-crypt-ssh/authorized_keys; cat >appconf/dracut-crypt-ssh/authorized_keys'
Refer to the Dropbear documentation for a full list of restricting options. Prior to continuing, it might be a good idea to create a copy of the initramfs
sudo cp /boot/initramfs-linux.img /boot/initramfs-linux.img-`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`
In headless setup, carefuly examine the restricting options to avoid locking yourself out. |
Generate new initramfs using dracut
sudo dracut --force --hostonly -a "network crypt lvm crypt-ssh" /boot/initramfs-linux.img
In this case, you can unlock the volume interactively by simply typing
ssh -p 222 root@
Note that when typing the above command:
The console_auth
command is automatically invoked on the remote server and immediately prompts for password, as if you just typed ssh -p 222 root@ console_auth
While you type the password, it will be displayed on the screen in plain text. Therefore, you should avoid unlocking interactively when the access is restricted to the console_auth
When you press enter you will be disconnected no matter whether the password was correct or not. Whereas with the non-restricted login (see Unlocking the volume interactively) you would only be disconnected if the password was correct, meaning that you would have feedback for whether the unlocking was successful or not.
On the other hand, to unlock the volume using a password file, from your Linux box, type
ssh -p 222 root@ < password-file
gpg2 --decrypt password-file.gpg | ssh -p 222 root@
This image comes with the Dropbear server configured with DHCP by default. However, in a headless setup you might want to use static IP instead.
To enable static IP during boot, replace the dracut option ip=dhcp
with static IP configuration inside bootargs
setenv bootargs "rd.neednet=1 ip= rd.luks.uuid=ae51db2d-0890-4b1b-abc5-8c10f01da353 root=/dev/mapper/vg-root rootwait <leave the rest as is>"
Refer to network documentation of dracut and dracut options for more options (man dracut.cmdline
Reboot so that the new configuration takes effect
sudo reboot
The majority of the software is installed via the standard pacman
tool and the pacaur
AUR helper. In order to upgrade, type
sudo pacman -Syu pacaur -Syua
(Optional) The dracut module crypt-ssh
is installed from source code. Follow these steps to upgrade.
cd ~/github-src/dracut-crypt-ssh/dracut-crypt-ssh
git pull
sudo make install
As of 19 Sep 2017 the dracut module crypt-ssh is also available as a package within the AUR. If you prefer to use the package then remove the relevant files manually (sudo make uninstall not available) and install the package by typing: pacaur -S dracut-crypt-ssh-git .
Mind that the order of the modules in the below command is important
sudo dracut --force --hostonly -a "network crypt lvm crypt-ssh" /boot/initramfs-linux.img
This will prevent the SSH host verification warning due to the fact that Dropbear and OpenSSH use different host keys (see also Dropbear+OpenSSH: share keys).
Remove the line dropbear_port="22"
from /etc/dracut.conf.d/crypt-ssh.conf
Generate new initramfs
sudo dracut --force --hostonly -a "network crypt lvm crypt-ssh" /boot/initramfs-linux.img
The dracut module crypt-ssh
is installed from source code under the directory ~/github-src/dracut-crypt-ssh/dracut-crypt-ssh
As of 19 Sep 2017
the module is also available as a package within the AUR.
If you prefer to use the package then remove the relevant files manually (sudo make uninstall
not available) and install the package by typing: pacaur -S dracut-crypt-ssh-git
As of 2017-12-15, pacaur is no longer maintained and users are encouraged to move to another solution (refer to the Pinned Comment of the package).
To install trizen, which is an alternative AUR helper, follow these steps
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel
mkdir ~/aur && cd $_
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/trizen.git
cd trizen
makepkg -si --needed --noconfirm